Integration with graph-like classes

Arbitrary classes of which instances can be interpreted as scipy sparse matrices or 2D square numpy arrays can be registered as abstract subclasses of GraphABC. This way all main classes/functions implemented in pathcensus can automatically interpret them as graph-like objects allowing seemless integration with many different data formats and third-party packages such as networkx or igraph.

In order to register a class a function for converting its instances to scipy.sparse.spmatrix (CRS format) needs to be defined. The conversion is handled by the pathcensus.graph.adjacency() function which can be overloaded through the single dispatch mechanism. In particular, it should be called on arrays/sparse matrices extracted from graph classes to ensure standardized format. See the example below.

Graph classes defined by networkx, igraph and graph_tool are registered automatically provided the packages are installed.


pathcensus uses the A_{ij} = 1 convention to indicate that a node i sends a tie to a node j. Functions converting graph-like objects to arrays / sparse matrices need to be aware of that.

Below is an example in which a custom conversion from a list of list format is registered. Arguably, the below implementation is naive and handles the conversion by simply converting to a numpy array, without checking wheter the array is really 2D and square, but it illustrates the main logic of registering custom graph-like classes.

>>> import numpy as np
>>> from pathcensus import GraphABC, adjacency, PathCensus

>>> def _adj_list(graph: list) -> spmatrix:
...     """Adjacency matrix from list of lists."""
...     A = np.array(graph)
...     return adjacency(A)

>>> GraphABC.register_type(list, _adj_list)
>>> # A triangle graph
>>> A = [[0, 1, 1], [1, 0, 1], [1, 1, 0]]
>>> # Calculate path census
>>> paths = PathCensus(A)
>>> paths.census("global")
   t  tw  th  q0  qw  qh
0  1   3   3   0   0   0