
At the command line via pip

pip install pathcensus

The current development version (not guaranteed to be stable) can be installed directly from the github repo

pip install git+ssh://

Development & testing

The repository with the package source code can be cloned easily from the github repo.

git clone

It is recommended to work within an isolated virtual environment. This can be done easily for instance using conda. Remember about using a proper Python version (i.e. 3.8+).

conda create --name my-env python=3.8
conda activate my-env

After entering the directory in which pathcensus repository was cloned it is enough to install the package locally.

pip install .
# Or in developer/editable mode
pip install --editable .

In order to run tests it is necessary to install also test dependencies.

pip install -r ./requirements-tests.txt
# Now tests can be run
# Or alternatively
make test
# And to run linter
make lint

And similarly for building the documentation from source.

pip install -r ./requirements-docs.txt
# Now documentation can be built
make docs

Tests targeting different Python versions can be run using tox test automation framework. You may first need to install tox (e.g. pip install tox).

make test-all
# Or alternatively

Test coverage

Unit test coverage report can be generated easily.

make coverage
# Report can be displayed again after running coverage
make cov-report